
Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Mulch Calls it for Barack Obama

To Barack Obama,
congratulations... if you lead as honorably and efficiently as you campaigned, you will be legendary. Good luck. Take a vacation and when you come back, we will be watching you. Please do not disappoint those of us who supported you.

To Mr McCain
You lost a decent amount of respect in the way you ran this campaign. It was obvious on many levels, your hesitence, your body language, your appearence of discomfort, that the tone was not your idea. Several time we saw the old, likeable John McCain... one of them being your defense of Mr. Obama coming from some of your supporters.

If you would have won the election, I would have been less likely to forgive you... but I forgive you and feel hopeful that you will still appreciate the respect that most of the country has for you. Including me. Your stock went down with your behavior. Now that we are past the danger zone, I can empathize and let it go. I look forward to your concession speech, where I expect to be reminded of all the reasons I grew to respect you in the first place. Thank you very much for your service, take a vacation, and relax and enjoy the rest of your life. You have made your mark and served amirably. Peace be with you

To Mrs. Palin
You will be a force to be reckoned with, down the line, should the Republican party survive this election cycle. Spend a couple years doing talking head stuff on the news networks to season yourself and get your real personality out there. HOST saturday night live (sooner, rather than later). To succeed without the baggage of the Republican Party, run as a libertatian in 2016. You can make history on 2 levels winning that way.

Major bonus props for your performances on the final weekends stump... I have fallen asleep with the news on and awoken to one of your firey speeches. Wow. You basically cut an old school wrestling promo on Obama... I would hate to be on your bad side... it is a powerful asset if controlled and only used for emphasis... not continusly. You are a future threat to the democratic party, and in a major way. I respect your "game" but fear your gamesmanship... I am sure we will meet again.

To the Republican Party,
Good riddance!

To the Democratic Party
You better not fuck up and you had better be miles fucking better than what we just had, or we will vote your asses out too.

EDIT: McCain's concession speech delivered. Thank you Mr. McCain, hats off to you... now if only we can get some of your more racist supporters to chill out.



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